MD Ranger for Physicians

How much should you be compensated for emergency call coverage?

Are the hours per month you’re expected to work as a medical director reasonable?

Are you being compensated fairly for your speciality?

Market data can be a powerful tool to answer these questions, and more.

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MD Ranger will show benchmarks for your
specialty and include helpful information like:

Compensation benchmarks for your speciality
Mean, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles
How to use the benchmarks
White papers and resources with negotiation tips and guidance
Relevant data slices from different types of organizations to best match your position
Complimentary consultation regarding calculations and underlying data
Understand the market for your physicians of your speciality, and explore what impact your region, type of healthcare facility, trauma level status, and payor mix may have on your income.
Ensure you are being paid fairly; increase your confidence in knowing market rates for your specialty

MD Ranger for Physicians

To learn how to effectively negotiate your contract rate with hospital administrators, download our guide:

Using Market Data to Negotiate Your Payment Rate: A Guide for Physicians
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Learn more about MD Ranger for Physicians
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