Key Findings on Weekend and Holiday Payment Differentials for Emergency Call Contracts

Per diem payments account for 83% of all MD Ranger call contracts, with annual and per episode rates comprising most of the other payment methods:

Just under 95% of all per diem contracts pay the same rate 365 days a year, but just over 5% include different rates for holiday and weekends. Half of these contracts have a weekend-only differential, with the remaining contracts paying either for both weekends and holidays or just holidays:

We have found that contracts with weekend or weekend + holiday rates typically have lower weekday payment rates compared to the blended benchmarks we report in our standard reports:

We also have found that contracts with holiday only + weekday rates are not statistically different from contracts that only have a single per diem rate 365 days a year.

What are the rate differentials?

For each of the weekend and holiday rate payment methods, we find the following median differentials:

Weekday and Weekend Rates

  • The weekday rate is 11% lower than the combined benchmark per diem rate
  • The weekend rate is 40% higher than the weekday per diem rate

Weekday and Holiday Rates

  • The weekday rate is not significantly different than the standard benchmark per diem rate, which is based on single per diems and weighted per diems
  • The holiday rate is 34% higher than the weekday per diem rate

Weekday, Weekend, and Holiday Rates

  • The weekday rate is 8% lower than the combined benchmark per diem rate
  • The weekend rate is 29% higher than the weekday per diem rate
  • The holiday rate is 43% higher than the weekday per diem rate

How to use these findings

To calculate an appropriate weekday, weekend or holiday rate start with the standard published rate for a service then decrease the weekday per diem as indicated above. For the weekend or holiday rate, calculate a rate differential using the percentages above.

Sample calculations:

Orthopedic surgery median standard (365 day) benchmark: $1,170

Rates for weekend and weekday payments:
Weekday rate (11% lower): $1,041

Weekend rate (40% higher): $1,458

Rates for holiday only payment:

Weekday rate (no difference): $1,170

Holiday rate (34% higher): $1,568

Rates for weekday, weekend and holiday pay:

Weekday rate (8% lower): $1,076

Weekend rate (29% higher): $1,389

Holiday rate (43% higher): $1,539

There is wide variation in the rate differentials across the benchmark quantiles, however we find that the higher the differential between weekday and holiday/weekend, the lower the weekday rates. For determining fair rates it is important to recognize that the weighted payment over the course of a year should equal the standard per diems paid for contracts with a single rate.

If you would like a further breakdown on the findings from this analysis you can view a recording of a webinar on the findings here:

If you would like more information, you can reach out to us at or give us a call at 650-692-8873.

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