Hospital Characteristics Impact Physician Compensation Rates

Posted on
August 23, 2016

Though rates at the individual service level remain relatively stable year over year, overall physician costs paid by hospitals have skyrocketed in the last decade.

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Since we published new benchmarks in April we’ve analyzed over 24,000 contracts in our database to uncover key insights. Though rates at the individual service level remain relatively stable year over year, overall physician costs paid by hospitals have skyrocketed in the last decade.

At the individual contract level, several factors consistently correlate with higher contract rates:

  • Trauma centers pay a 32% premium for call coverage contracts.
  • Larger hospitals, for every 100 bed increase in ADC, hospitals payments are 22% higher for call coverage and 15% higher for medical direction annual payments (hourly rates are no different).
  • Multi-campus arrangements, for both call coverage and medical direction, save money:
  • 33% less for call on a per campus basis
  • 18% less for direction on a per campus basis, with the difference related to higher hours not higher hourly rates
Physician Expenses per ADC by Beds