Alternatives to Call Coverage Per Diems

Posted on
August 5, 2014

For every 100 bed increase in ADC, a physician receives 25% more for call coverage and 14% more for medical direction.

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Last year we wrote about how physicians are paid a premium at trauma centers.  While this holds true in 2014, another hospital characteristic that has consistently influenced physician payment rates is hospital size.

Larger hospitals have a higher frequency of call based on their larger volume.  For every 100 bed increase in ADC, a physician receives 25% more for call coverage and 14% more for medical direction.

The graph below shows the difference between facilities with a general acute ADC of under 125 versus those facilities with an ADC of 125 beds and over for general surgery call coverage based on MD Ranger’s 2014 reports.


MD Ranger reports benchmarks for hospital characteristics such as trauma/non-trauma, urban/rural, number of general acute care beds, DSH percentage, and medicare days.  If you want more info on how these hospital characteristics affect payment rates, email us at